
Neuro Surgery

The department of Neuro Surgery at Galaxy hospital has state of the art facilities for the treatment of common & complicated neuro surgical problems under the supervision of a qualified and experienced team of neuro surgeons. In Present time At Galaxy Hospital you will get Best Neurosurgeon in Bareilly For Neuro Surgery. This is The Right Place For Neuro Surgery.

Services Available:
Head Injury. (Acute SDH, Chronic SDH, EDH, Contusion)
Brain surgery for clot removal.
Brain Tumour (Benign and skull base tumour, malignant tumour, metastatic tumour, Pituitary tumour, Brain Stem Tumour).
Spinal Tumour Surgery.

Neuro-muscular disorders. Dementia and Neurodegenerative Disease.
Ischemia of the brain. Headache and chronic pain management.
Infectious Diseases of the Brain. CV. junction anomaly
Infections of the spine. Brain aneurysm Surgery
Inter-vertebral & Movement Disorders. A-V. malformation